What is TMJ and TMD?
Over time, the key facial joints, muscles, and teeth stop interacting and can begin interfering with each other. The chewing system deteriorates, leading to an undesirably aged appearance, weakened mouth condition, and pain in the joints, head, and neck. Much of this begins with the breakdown of the key joints in the jaw (the temporomandibular joints, or TMJ) which cause the facial muscles to become strained, which in turn causes clenching and/or grinding of the teeth, a process known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD. As a result, the face may appear more aged or recessed. When the chewing system, starting with the joints, is corrected, patients are free of pain and experience a more youthful appearance.
What are some symptoms of TMJ/TMd?
Headaches (daily, recurrent, nightly)
Ear pain, congestion, wooshing
Jaw pain, clicking, popping, locking, noises
Teeth clenching, grinding, gnashing
Face pain, numbness, tingling
Eye pain
Neck pain
Base of skull of pain
Pain when chewing
Throat pain
Shoulder pain
Back pain
Difficulty opening mouth
Nasal and Sinus congestion
Muscle twitching
Bite feels off or different than before
Numbness in hands or arms
Burning Mouth
How does TMJ treatment work?
95% of effective treatment is dependent upon a proper diagnosis, a diagnosis that uncovers the origin of your problem. A proper diagnosis will tell you what your primary problem is and where it came from.Our diagnostic workup is unlike any other. We take a great deal of time reviewing your medical history in detail and completing a very comprehensive head and neck evaluation utilizing cutting edge technology. Proper diagnosis and emphasis on origin rather than symptoms alone is key to successful, long term treatment results.
After receiving your diagnosis a specific individualized treatment solution will be given to you in detail. Our non-surgical treatment solutions focus on setting up the body for optimal healing and restoring function in the absence of pain. We utilize a wide range of treatment solutions depending on your individual diagnosis. These include but are not limited to non-surgical rehabilitation, decompression appliance therapy, physical therapy treatment, and multi-discipline referral coordination.
Frequently asked questions
+ Why Does My Jaw Make Noise?
One of the first signs of TMJ problems is a noise when opening or closing the mouth. The noise can happen all the time or sporadically. In some people the noise is very quiet and hard to hear, in others it is loud enough to hear across the dinner table. The reason the jaw is making noise is that the ligament between two bones is dislocating and popping on or off the jawbone. This is not normal or healthy.
+ Do TMJ problems hurt?
TMJ problems occasionally are associates with severe pain, but more than not, pain is a late effect. This means pain is not a predictable way to screen people for TMJ disorders. In most TMJ issues the bodies’ temporomandibular joint is resilient to the pain that people would expect when the bones and ligaments are being torn apart. Pain can occur in the joint space itself and in the muscles, that control the movement of the jaw and head and neck. Pain can come in the form of sharp shooting pains when opening and or closing and pain can also come in the form of dull unending ache in the muscle. It is not unusual to mistake TMJ pain for headaches and earaches.
+ Why is my jaw stuck or locked?
The jaw can occasionally become stuck or locked when the ligament dislocates between two bones completely blocking the jaw from closing again or opening to its full range. Another cause of a lock is when the muscles that control the movement of the jaw spasm to such an extent as to prevent full range of motion. Both situations are bad and very dangerous if left untreated. TMJ disorders are progressive in nature, which means small problems will turn into bigger problems without treatment.
+ How will Oral Appliace Therapy improve my quality of life with sleep apnea?
Oral appliance therapy will help you sleep better and improve your breathing during sleep. People with obstructive sleep apnea who use an oral appliance at night can have higher quality sleep, more energy, more mental clarity, and greater emotional stability. This simple, yet effective form of treatment promotes a healthier body, mind, and heart.
+ What might happen if I do nothing?
Unfortunately, the future is worse than the present. TMJ issues are progressive; they continue to get worse over time. The progression usually follows this pathway. Short term sharp pains, jaw inflammation resulting in muscle tenderness, jaw joint noises, limited range of motion and locking of jaw, changes in the bony makeup if the jaw joint, wear and destruction of teeth, loss of a portion of jaw joint resulting in a permanent change in the bite and ability to chew.
Schedule a TMJ/TMD evaluation to determine if treatment is right for you