What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is a gum infection that is ongoing. It affects, not only the gums, but the jawbone as well and can lead to tooth loss, as well as overall systemic issues. Typically the result of poor brushing and flossing habits, periodontal disease occurs after plaque has built up and hardened. There are four overall stages of periodontal disease, with only one being reversible.
Causes of Periodontal Disease
Causes of periodontal disease all boil down to bacteria. If plaque and tartar are not regularly removed (using good daily flossing and brushing habits, as well as regular professional teeth cleanings), periodontal disease will occur. Smoking is the most significant risk factor and can make periodontal disease treatment less effective. Other factors that increase one’s risk for periodontal disease include diabetes, medications that reduce the natural flow of saliva, genetics, hormonal changes, and certain illnesses.
Periodontal disease affects 50% of all Americans age 30 and older. It can result in tooth loss, the need for dentures, and an array of additional health issues. Because of its potential severity, it is important that it is treated seriously, despite how common the disease is reported to be. It does not discriminate and can affect anyone of any age or sex.
Stages of periodontal disease
How does periodontal treatment work?
Patient education is always a priority
Typical periodontal disease treatment includes a process called scaling and root planing, which removes the bacterial substance called plaque from the teeth alongside calculus, an accumulation of infectious calcified plaque on the tooth. This often takes place over 2-4 sessions.
Follow-up appointments for ongoing periodontal maintenance and therapy usually occur every 3 months as determined by clinical evaluation.
frequently asked questions
+ Can periodontal disease be treated at home?
Periodontal disease should be treated by an expert practitioner. However, once the initial treatment program has been completed, there are several steps you can take to maintain good oral hygiene, including attending regularly periodontal maintenance appointments every 3 months, using an electric toothbrush and floss daily, using a fluoride paste, and an antibacterial mouth rinse.
+ Is periodontal disease linked to other diseases?
Several studies have shown that periodontal disease is associated with heart disease. While a cause-and-effect relationship has not yet been proven, research has indicated that periodontal disease increases the risk of heart disease.
Periodontal disease can also exacerbate existing heart conditions. Patients at risk for infective endocarditis may require antibiotics prior to dental procedures. Your periodontist and cardiologist will be able to determine if your heart condition requires use of antibiotics prior to dental procedures.
Additional studies have pointed to a relationship between periodontal disease and stroke. In one study that looked at the causal relationship of oral infection as a risk factor for stroke, people diagnosed with acute cerebrovascular ischemia were found more likely to have an oral infection when compared to those in the control group.
Diabetic patients are more likely to develop periodontal disease, which in turn can increase blood sugar and diabetic complications.
Research has found that bacteria that grow in the oral cavity can be aspirated into the lungs to cause respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, especially in people with periodontal disease.
Researchers found that men with gum disease were 49% more likely to develop kidney cancer, 54% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer, and 30% more likely to develop blood cancers.
+ Are women at special risk for periodontal disease?
A woman’s periodontal health may be impacted by a variety of factors.
During puberty, an increased level of sex hormones, such as progesterone and possibly estrogen, causes increased blood circulation to the gums. This may cause an increase in the gum’s sensitivity and lead to a greater reaction to any irritation, including food particles and plaque. During this time, the gums may become swollen, turn red and feel tender.
Occasionally, some women experience menstruation gingivitis. Women with this condition may experience bleeding gums, bright red and swollen gums and sores on the inside of the cheek. Menstruation gingivitis typically occurs right before a woman’s period and clears up once her period has started.
Pregnant women who have periodontal disease may be more likely to have a baby that is born too early and too small. However, more research is needed to confirm how periodontal disease may affect pregnancy outcomes. We recommend that women considering pregnancy have a periodontal evaluation.
Treating periodontal disease quickly is of the utmost importance. Scheduling regular check-ups and cleanings and practicing good, daily oral hygiene habits can keep one from suffering from periodontal disease and/or can help halt the progression of the disease.