What is safe amalgam removal?
Silver amalgam fillings have been used in dentistry for over 200 years. During that time, we’ve come a long way in making dentistry safer. For example, when silver was first used in dentistry, patients underwent procedures without anesthesia and many surgeries were fatal.
Since that time, silver fillings have been found to contain the neurotoxin mercury—in fact, most silver fillings contain 50% mercury. Over time, silver fillings can break down within the tooth, which could lead to a release of mercury into the body. In addition, reports and research have consistently found that mercury vapor can be released from dental mercury amalgam fillings when brushing, cleaning, clenching the teeth, and chewing.
To help our patients stay safe, we assist with the safe removal of silver amalgam fillings and replace them with a safer material.
How does safe amalgam removal work?
Once the silver amalgam filling is carefully removed, the tooth is assessed and the appropriate restorative treatment is determined. Typically, a natural composite resin filling replaces the silver amalgam. When the multi-layering process is complete, excess material is trimmed, the tooth is polished, and proper occlusion is checked for comfort .
Frequently asked questions
+ Are silver amalgam fillings safe?
No. All silver fillings contain the neurotoxin mercury which can enter the body through gradual wear and tear of the filling. In fact, silver amalgam fillings are so dangerous that 3 countries—Norway, Sweden, and Denmark—have banned their use.
+ How long do fillings last?
How long your fillings last depends on a number of factors, including the size of the filling. A smaller filling means that more of your natural tooth is healthy and will last longer than big fillings. Our office uses composite resin fillings to avoid heavy metal toxicity associated with other types of fillings. With good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, the average amount of time that many dental fillings last is between five to seven years.
Schedule an appointment today to determine if a safer alternative is right for you